Shaunna Faye

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Clomid, BP

As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm trying to get knocked up again. We thought we'd try it a while without the help of drugs in hopes that something changed after I was pregnant with Martha. I've heard that can happen.

Well, nothing has changed.

So, I went to the doctor today to see about getting back on Clomid. One awkward "lady doctor" appointment later, I'm set to get an ultrasound on Monday (gotta make sure I don't have any cysts) and as long as everything is cool (it will be) then they'll give me the prescription that I can start taking that day.

My first Clomid baby turned out pretty awesome, so I'm ok with doing it this way again. Plus, I was successful in only the second month when I was on Clomid before. I don't want to waste any time so I'm shooting for month #1 this time!

The doctor said my blood pressure was wacky again. I had high BP problems all throughout my pregnancy with Martha. She said I may just be one of those people where it fluctuates all the time, but they'll probably put me on meds earlier in my pregnancy this time to avoid any preeclampsia issues if it continues to stay high, which I'm guessing it will.

Just for my own records I'll note that it was 140/80 today. She'd like for it to stay below 140/90. So there.



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