I know a girl who knows a girl that is part of a radio show in Texas. I don't know much about what was said about this topic because I didn't hear the audio. I only saw the poll that the radio station put up on their website. The question was "Jaime rips these pictures out of magazines before her husband sees them. What are your thoughts?" And below were pics of some girls in bikinis. Just regular ol' girls in bikinis. Like ones you would see in a Victoria's Secret catalog for swimwear.
The girl I know that knows this radio talk show girl posted on Facebook....and I quote..."Jamie - I am so glad that you and Aaron have decided together that this is a good thing to help protect your marriage. I wish more couples would talk about this stuff and consider each other before they do themselves. Its not like you are tearing these out behind his back. Thank you for being willing to talk about this when you know so many would disagree. You for sure trust each other but we are all capable of making bad decision and you are just doing your part in making sure you both don't make those mistakes!"
Now....how can I put this delicately? I think a simple "I disagree" will suffice, but I'll explain more because I think it will eat at my soul if I don't speak my mind.
For real?
Ok, let me back up...like I said before...I didn't hear the audio, so it's very possible that her explaining herself makes more sense than me just guessing her reasons for tearing out those pictures. But let's just get real here.
Obviously she cannot shield her husband from seeing all women. Obviously she cannot shield her husband from the posters that hang in the mall, the billboards that are up on the highways, the commercials on tv, the movies they watch, that all have women in bikinis in/on them. What in the world is the point of tearing out the magazine pictures? One could argue that even though she cannot shield his eyes from ALL of these images, blocking out just a few of them at least will lessen the load. But then a different One would argue logic. Is this husband going to go have an affair because he sees images of women other than his wife in bikinis? How exactly is taking 10% of these images away from his eyes "protecting his marriage?" And exactly what "mistake" would be be making?
13 year old Youth Group Shaunna would gasp at the thought of someone's husband feasting their eyes on another woman's body! 13 year old Youth Group Shaunna would also gasp at the thought of listening to "secular music."
Modern Day, I Live In The Real World Shaunna is realistic. And not an idiot. Is Chris going to cheat on me because he sees random bikini ads out in the real world? No. If Chris cheated on me it would be for a much larger reason....something along the lines of he's a bad guy, a creep, and he didn't deserve to be married to me. And Modern Day, I Live In The Real World Shaunna isn't going to go out and do bad things because I like to listen to Ke$ha songs on the radio.
So what if the girl I know was just trying to prevent her husband from lusting? Can we talk about Charlie Hunnam, AKA Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy? HOTT. Yeah, with two T's. Chris and I watch Sons of Anarchy together. We love the show. And Jax is a sexy man. It's just a fact. Does me saying that make me a bad person? No. Does that mean I'm going to hell? No. Does that mean I'm going to go out and try to get with someone other than Chris? No. If Charlie Hunnam himself, in the flesh, offered himself to me...would I take him up on that offer? (Insert obvious "eh.....maybe" joke here), but really.....No. Because Chris is my husband. I made vows in front of God and everybody. I love him and I would not do anything to compromise our marriage. And no, I don't think me seeing Jax with his shirt off is compromising our marriage.
So, I will not be attempting to shield Chris's precious eyes from these horrible, secular, worldly girls in bikinis. I don't feel the need, because I'm not a naive person.
I'm fully prepared to hear feedback about Jesus and the bible and thing similar to what I would have heard from JB Kitts in 1997, but honestly, I don't know that there's anything that could change my opinion about this. I'm open for a devil's advocate though because I feel like my Dad will be popping up in the comments section.
Also, here is Charlie Hunnam. Shield your eyes!